Facts About What Causes Acne

We all know that acne could be very disturbing and annoying, especially when pimples keep coming back on our faces. It is very important to know how to deal with the pimples coming out on your face, so that you don't get scars and worsen your face's condition. If you are among those wondering what causes acne, then stick close, as we are going to tell you a few important things about acne that might even give you a hint on what to do in order to get rid of the pimples on your face.

The first thing you need to know regarding acne is that this condition is related to the skin oils and follicular spaces which are the skin pores. This face problem is not something that should worry you too much, unless it leads to a severe condition which involves leaving scars on your face. Basically, the skin pores are connected to the oil glands, which produce the skin sebum. Sebum is responsible with carrying dead skin cells out the skin's surface. When the skin pores or follicular spaces get blocked, the pimples appear on the surface of your skin. This blockage in skin pores is tied to an increased oil production of the oil glands.

You should know that there are various other causes that can be associated with the pimples coming out on your face. So if you still wonder what causes acne, you should find out that certain factors like dirt, heredity, androgen levels, medication, greasy face creams, wrong diets and other related things can be the cause of your face condition.

Mostly, teenagers seem to experience this problem due to raised levels of hormones in their bodies. In their case, acne is a skin problem that appears with puberty and disappears once they grow older. Luckily, the market comes with various remedies which comprise certain miraculous potions, face creams and pimple removal treatments. Certain specialists state that acne is related to wrong diets, which is why they advise teens and other people with acne to eat more natural meals rather than other foods like fast foods and other aliments high in fats. The dust and dirt can also cause acne, in which case people are recommended to wash their faces at least twice a day.

Various face creams also lead to pimples, so if you have this problem and you wonder what causes acne, then maybe you should consider having your greasy face cream thrown in the trash. In most cases of acne, the causes can be found in the products people use, in the unhealthy diets they lead, as well as in the medical prescriptions they follow. But the causes and remedies for severe face conditions involving pimples must be sought in medical institutions or private clinics.

If you are among those wondering what causes acne, then you should find out that there are various causes which can be associated with the pimples coming out on your face from the skin pores getting blocked by excessive sebum to certain factors like dirt, heredity, androgen levels, medication, greasy face creams and wrong diets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mihaela_Buza

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