Health and Fitness: Acne Article Category

How To Clear Up Body Acne
Many people who suffer from adult acne are used to seeing the occasional blemish pop up on their faces. While pimples are never a welcome sight, clearing them away is fairly straightforward with a proper arsenal of products and a healthy skin care routine. 
Do Milk and Hormones Cause Acne Breakouts?
Recent research shows that acne can be caused by high glycemic index diets, or even hormonal changes. Thus, nutritional therapy is considered as one of the ways to help with acne. Find out if there's any truth to this, and how this affects acne treatment especially for adults. 
Types of Acne Treatment - OTC, Oral, Topical, and Laser And Light Therapies
Acne is a condition marked by appearance of inflammation or red pimples on the face. Mild form of acne may be treated by over-the-counter products. For more severe condition, prescribed topical or oral medication may be employed. Laser and light therapies are also used to treat the condition. 
Clear Your Acne Up With Simple Steps
If you're like most people, you have struggled at one point or another in your life with a breakout here and there, or at least had a breakout once in a while. There are new methods available for getting a clear complexion that glows.This article will give you of these strategies. 
Cure Chronic Adult Acne/Rosacea With a Soccerball!
Long term solution to chronic (adult) acne and rosacea. A method that is known in the orient but unknown in the west.
Pimples - Why Do They Happen?
If you are younger, getting rid of pimples almost seems like a normal part of life. This is very true for teenagers. Many think this is a problem that is only faced by those with dirty skin. This is not always what happens. Many different things factor into why acne occurs. It could be hormones or even areas where there is simply a buildup of bacteria on the skin. In order to be able to deal with this problem you need to know what the cause is. Once you know the reason it is happening you can then take steps in prevention. 
Nine Best Foods To Keep Your Dry Skin Nourished
The production of over-the-counter (OTC) products for dry skin are ever on the rise and so are their costs. This is usually the case when Winter strikes where the atmosphere becomes very cold and dry. This will eventually dehydrate your skin which will lead to many skin blemishes like acne. However as users think that OTC products are the solution, they all have a very common shortcoming. Most of them only work from outside but not from the inside. By simply abandoning OTC products and switching to natural sources which can be found in your very own kitchen cabinets, you will be exposed to limitless benefits to your skin.

When to Seek Acne Treatment for Teens

It may seem that acne treatment is not necessary for your teen. After all, this is the type of thing most kids go through while their bodies are adjusting to puberty and changing hormones. You may even believe that a poor diet is the cause of it or that if your child would just wash his or her face more often this would not be a problem. While that may be the case for some situations, it is not for all. Those teens who have more advanced conditions may need additional help in clearing their skin. In some cases, it is a matter of improving their health overall, too.

Why It Is Happening

To make the decision about whether or not to provide your child with advanced acne treatment, you need to learn what the cause of the condition is for your child specifically. In some kids, it may be poor hygiene habits. In others, though, the cause is much different. It could be problems with hormone production. It could also be due to sensitivity to various changes in their bodies. Some kids have a genetic factor that causes the excess production of oils in the skin. That can be a reason to seek help as well.

When to Get Additional Help

There are some situations in which getting additional help and treatment is important. If your child's face feels warm to the touch, beyond what is normal, it may be due to inflammation and infections. If there are larger or open sores on the skin, this is cause for more advanced treatments as well. The goal here is to look for ways to improve the way your child's skin looks, but also to address the actual infection level. Since pimples develop into open infections, this is something you should not put off.

What Can Be Done?

Doctors have access to a variety of acne treatment options that can help to improve the way your child's skin looks. This includes handling the common hormone issues that bring on this type of infection. Sometimes, doctors will also use laser treatment to remove the scarring that often occurs. Every situation is very different, but it is likely possible to reduce some of the presence of bacteria and oils on the skin that lead to this condition.

Acne treatment is often selected based on the child's specific needs. Though you may think that just scrubbing a bit harder is going to provide your child with everything he or she needs to get skin back to a healthy level, that is not always the case. Look for a doctor who specializes in these treatments to offer guidance to you about whether more advanced methods are necessary.

Are you wondering if your child may be in need of some professional acne treatment New Jersey? Contact the front office at and schedule a consultation to find out what your options are today.

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Eliminating Back Acne

While it can be a little easier to hide in cold weather under all those layers of clothes, back acne can be just as distressing as the acne on your face. It can keep you from warm weather activities, and stop you from being as outgoing as you want to be. It can also be pretty uncomfortable. Back acne, sometimes affectionately termed "bacne", is a fairly common affliction. Over 20 percent of men and a somewhat smaller percentage of women suffer from back acne. The cause of acne on your body is the same as the cause for acne on your face. In fact, 75 percent of people who suffer from acne on their face also suffer from acne somewhere on their body. Depending on how severe your break out is, there are a number of treatment options that can be successful in eliminating acne.

Preventing Back Acne

To stop your break out from getting worse and to minimize the chance that you will suffer from back acne in the future, wear loose natural fibers like cotton. Since pressure is a contributor to acne, do not wear a heavy back pack with regularity. Instead, switch to a bag that can be worn swung over your shoulder. Bacteria from dirt, sweat and oil on the skin creates infected pores. Fight the bacteria by showering twice a day and keep your body as clean as possible. Make sure to shower immediately after exercising or any sweat inducing activity. All of the products that you apply to your skin should have "non-comedogenic" written somewhere on the packaging. This means that the product will not contribute to clogging. If you can avoid it, do not take medications that have androgens or lithium in them. People who are concerned about acne can talk to their doctors about alternative medications.

Eliminating Existing Back Acne

You can take a few steps to eliminate your existing back acne. When you shower, use a mild anti-bacterial cleanser that is meant for the face. Do not use regular soap. Keep your skin exfoliated. A scrub from a jar would work, or you can use a loofah on your back every time you shower. Once the skin is completely dry, you can apply a benzoyl peroxide cream. For best results, use a cream that is 10 percent or higher. It may be tempting, but try not to pick at your acne. This can lead to enlarging the pores and potentially scarring your skin permanently. If your preventive actions and your treatment at home does not work, speak with a dermatologist about what your next step should be to treat your acne. offers information regarding back acne. For more on treating back acne, please shop online with

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Natural Treatments for Acne

Millions of people with acne spend years cycling through the different types of store-bought acne treatments and medications, usually with varying degrees of success. Many of these treatments work fine in the short term but do not constitute permanent solutions. At best they may treat some of the symptoms, but they do not address the underlying causes of acne, which are rooted deep beneath the skin and often have little to do with weather the surface of the skin is clean. Plus, many mainstream acne products can actually irritate the skin and clog the pores and hence worsen the condition.

The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to treating acne naturally is that there are everyday habits that can greatly improve the condition. For one thing, if you keep hands, hair, and other objects away from the skin of the face, there will be less dirt and less irritation to make acne worse. It can be especially difficult to change this habit if you tend to absentmindedly put your hands on or around your face, as many people do, but changing the habit can have tremendously positive effects.

Meanwhile, there is the astonishing fact that acne exists mainly in the industrialized world. Sure, it is not an unheard-of condition in less developed parts of the world, but it is not so widespread. There are many reasons that people in the industrialized world might be more prone to the condition, but it is likely that it ultimately comes down to diet. There is little scientific basis to say that processed foods and sugary foods contribute to acne, but there is much anecdotal evidence for this, so avoiding these foods and sticking with healthy, mostly fresh and organic foods is best.

Treatments to try

As with most types of natural remedies, acne treatments have highly inconsistent results, and the effects can vary greatly from person to person. Meanwhile, unlike mainstream products, which can work fast but have quickly diminishing results, natural treatments generally need more time to do their work. So if you want to know whether a natural treatment is working for you, the best approach is to use it as directed for at least a month before giving up and trying the next thing. It takes patience, but your patience will be rewarded when you find that treatment that really works in the long run.

One treatment that has become popular in recent years is tea tree oil. Extracted from the leaves of an Australian tree, the oil has been shown to work in a similar manner to conventional acne medication benzoyl peroxide, except it has fewer side effects and continues to work in the long term. Some people are allergic to tea tree oil, however, so try it in small doses at first.
Zinc supplements are another thing to try. Zinc is a powerful mineral when it comes to helping wounds heal and reducing inflammation in the skin. This leads to faster recovery from existing acne breakouts, and the inflammation reduces the severity of acne. When combined with other good habits, this can have a powerfully positive effect on the skin.

Finally, another treatment that has been getting a lot of buzz lately is brewer's yeast, particularly a variety known as CBS 5926, which is thought to help fight the bacteria that lives beneath the skin and is the root cause of most types of acne.

Marc Courtiol is a regular contributor to The Natural Health Journals. He strongly believes in healing with homeopathies first, especially when one is looking for a remedy to help with gas in newborns.

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The Effects Of Acne

Acne is a well-known growing problem for both teens and adults.
In a lot of cases the problem isn't even the acne itself but the issues caused specifically by the acne.

Some people, (usually the ones who don't have a lot of acne) do not realize the issues and size of this growing problem. Each and every day a person is bullied for having acne. Possibly nicknamed pizza face or crater face.

These people are not realizing the impacts they are actually making. The cruel ridicule, staring, snickering, and remarks made by people can cause serious depression and confidence issues. Don't get me wrong, acne is NOTHING to be ashamed of. Everyone get's acne, others just don't have to deal with it as much.

Some people never have the chance to get rid of their acne easily and are stuck dealing with this most of their lives. With today's advanced science and technology we can find tons of solutions and acne curing products at the tip of our fingers.

*Tips to keep a clear face.

(1.) Change pillowcase regularly; Maybe once or twice a week to avoid sleeping in your built up face oils.

(2.) Wash your face daily. Once is usually enough but if you can manage twice, your golden.

(3.) Reduce acne scars by applying fresh squeezed lemon juice to affected area or cover your entire face with organic grass-fed yogurt to lighten your skin.

(4.) Clear your complexion up by consuming 1 cup of any sort of leafy greens once a day.

(5.) Drinking at least 2 liters (½ a gallon) of water a day can help reduce and prevent those annoying blackheads and dry skin.

(6.) Always use a clean towel to dry your face.

(7.) Wash your hands regularly because later, when your resting your face in your hands, all the oils and dirt are going straight into your pours causing acne flare-ups.

(8.) Invest in hair products that are NOT oil based in anyway. The oils from your hair throughout the day will eventually get to and on your face causing some serious acne issues.

(9.) While still using your regular face wash you should take a break from the cleansing toxins at least once a week and wash your face with a non-fragrance, non-oil based, good old fashioned bar of soap. This will help keep your skin more fresh and moisturized.

(10.) Always remove make-up or wash your face at the end of the day.

*Acne needs to be Erased Emergency!

*The Hot Wash Cloth Trick.

This trick is only if your pimple has clearly broken the surface of your skin.

Step 1: Gently wash your face.

Step 2: Soak a clean wash cloth under hot water.

Step 3: Keep re-applying hot water to the wash cloth as much as needed for about 25 minutes.

Step 4: Lightly pat your face dry with a new wash cloth.

Step 5: Pop the pimple carefully and kindly not to irritate it.

Step 6: Apply whatever treatment cream you have or kindly wash the affected are again.
*Now that we've gone over some ways to keep a clean face... Let us talk about the issues that this acne has caused you.

Confidence is key.

Your self-esteem can be seriously damaged when dealing with embarrassing acne.
No need to fear though!
It is not the end of the world.

Once you've started treatments to help cure your acne and are taking steps to keep clean you can then focus on your mind set. It's time to look forward to a happier you. In order to be successful and see lasting results you need to start thinking more positively and highly of yourself.


you could look up self-esteem boosting quotes that speak to you and post them around your house, in your car, in a notebook, in your locker, wherever they will be seen and helpful. This may seem silly now as I say it, but the more you see these phrases and say them, the more you accept it and learn to be positive.

if you haven't already, you need to STOP caring. Just stop caring what everyone thinks so much. The only opinions that should matter are those of your friends, family, and loved ones. The people that truly matter do not care if you have acne at all. They love you and think you're beautiful for the person you are.

talk about these feelings and changes with a friend, family member or counselor.


Keep up in your face washes, think positively, and learn to accept the things that cannot be changed.

Acne can be cured but that does not give you the right to bully the people who have not found their solution yet.

To those NOT dealing with acne: 

Be kind to those with acne issues or help them find a solution that fits them.

To those who have acne:

Don't waste your life hiding your face whether it's acne free or acne full. Beauty comes from within.

I hope this article has helped in some way, Thanks for listening and Good luck With your Beautiful Faces!

Acne Push review is dedicated to finding the best possible acne curing products, the latest and greatest information and 100% honest and trustworthy reviews. For more information visit, and start seeing amazing acne erasing results. Good luck!

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Today's Acne Scar Treatment Methods

One of the unfortunate consequences of acne, is the scarring that can come about after you have suffered from the severe form of it. You can also cause scarring to occur if you forcibly pick and scratch the affected area. Of all the varied types of acne scars that one might get, most of them can be treated with good results. The first thing to keep in mind is that prevention is one of the best acne scar treatment methods that will work. This means that you should avoid picking or squeezing the pimples and also keep your hands away from the inflamed acne whenever possible. Squeezing of acne pustules forces infected matter to permeate deeper into the skin. This starts a cycle that results in more inflammation as well as scarring. You should avoid this activity at all costs.

There are several acne scar treatment options that are available for you to try, after a consultation with your doctor. These different treatment modes can last from 15 minutes to one hour. The healing time after a procedure can take anywhere from 15 minutes to a number of months. Some of the post treatment effects on the skin that are commonly experienced include dryness, scabbing, flakiness, redness, swelling, uneven skin tone and bruising.

The following acne scar treatment methods should be discussed with your doctor, in order to arrive at the most suitable option for you.

Dermabrasion for instance, is one acne scar treatment that works on the scars that are close to the skin surface. Damaged skin is scraped away using a medical tool that has rotating diamond-edged wheels. A newer option is known as laser resurfacing. In this procedure, it is much easier to control the penetration depth with a laser as compared to dermabrasion.

When dealing with milder acne scars, chemical peels are ideal. These peels involve the application of different acid types. The top layer of skin which is the most affected, can then be removed. This in turn will expose an inner, smoother surface. For deeper acne scarring, a punch technique is used. This process involves the removal of the scar through minor surgery. At that point, skin grafting and suturing is performed.

Subcision is a process that is used to treat deep rolling scars. It involves breaking up the scar tissue underneath the skin surface, resulting in the formation of a blood pool under the scar. This blood clot helps in the formation of connective tissue beneath the scar, making it level with the surface. If further smoothing of the skin is needed, chemical peels or microdermabrasion is employed.

Finally, collagen fillers have been used as an acne scar treatment to fill in the furrows and fissures. This will render the scars much less noticeable. Whatever procedure you and your physician decide upon, take comfort knowing that many patients have improved their outward appearance and increased the quality of their life by utilizing one of the aforementioned acne scar treatment methods.

Chris is a practicing pharmacist who writes on health care topics. You can see Chris's latest website on No More Acne and learn all about the signs, symptoms, treatment and related information such as Acne Treatment and much more.

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Types of Acne Treatment - OTC, Oral, Topical, and Laser And Light Therapies

Acne is a skin condition characterized by red pimples on the face. It is caused by the occurrence of infected or inflamed sebaceous glands in the skin. The treatment of acne works by reducing the production of oil, preventing bacterial infection, fastening skin cell turnover or a combination of these techniques.
Over-the-counter treatment
Acne lotions are used to dry up oil, promote sloughing of dead cells in skin or kill bacteria. These lotions can include ingredients like sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or resorcinol as their main ingredients. OTC treatment is effective against mild acne. Initially, you may experience some side-effects, such as dryness or irritation in skin.
Prescribed Topical Acne Treatment
Topical treatments are also available through prescription. If OTC treatment proves ineffective, consider seeing a dermatologist for more effective prescription lotion. Typically, drugs rich in Vitamin A are employed, such as adapalene, Tretinoin and tazarotene. Antibiotic lotions are employed to kill excess bacteria on the skin.
If you treat acne through prescribed drugs, the results may not be visible for up to four to eight weeks. In some cases, the skin gets worse before the drugs start showing their results.
Your dermatologist may recommend a mix of topical and oral medication for treating acne. During pregnancy, oral medication should be avoided, especially in the first trimester.
Oral Antibiotics
Oral antibiotics are typically recommended for treating moderate to severe acne. Such medication is used to fight skin inflammation and kill excess bacteria. In most cases, oral antibiotics are prescribed in combination with topical treatment.
This powerful medication is used to treat acne that does not respond to other methods. Though it's highly effective, there remains a possibility of severe side-effects. As such, dermatologists closely monitor people who use this form of treatment. Isotretinoin is used against the severest forms of acne and should not be consumed during the course of pregnancy. Women of reproductive age are required to undergo a Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment program to receive prescription. Common side-effects of this treatment include itching, dry lips, nose and skin, nosebleeds, sun sensitivity, reduced night vision and muscle pains.

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives may also help against acne. Known side-effects of oral contraceptives include nausea, depression and headaches. The most serious potential side-effect is risk of blood clot, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy aims at reaching the inner layers of skin without damaging its surface. It is used to damage oil glands and induce them to produce lesser oil.
Light Therapy

Light therapy functions similar to laser treatment. It is used to treat bacteria that causes skin inflammation. A mix of laser- and light-therapies are also used to improve the texture of skin and reduce the visibility of scars. These therapies may cause slight skin irritation.
Worried about acne? We have just the solution you need. Treat acne on your face to stop the appearance of pimples and get your skin glowing once again. For more details on acne condition and treatment, visit Nitai today.

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Defeating the Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne

How do we fend off the causes of acne? There is no good time for a breakout, but they always seem to be the worst at the most inconvenient times. Use this advice to help you through those difficult days.

This article will teach you several ways to improve your skin's quality and combat the causes of acne. A primary factor when it comes to fighting the causes of acne, is examining your diet. Eating lots of junk food reduces the capacity of your body systems to resist infections. A healthier eating plan focuses on consuming a wide range of nutritious foods, including nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Try to limit your diet to lean meats. Also, cut excess sugar from your diet. Eating healthy foods will give your body all the nutrients it needs to perform as it should.

Improper Hydration

Staying hydrated is essential as well. Water is great at flushing the system. While sodas may be tasty, they are high in sugar and caffeine, and only quench your thirst for a short time. Sodas can wreak havoc as one of the causes of acne. These drinks are neither nutritionally satisfying nor hydrating. You should opt for drinking tons of water to keep your body well hydrated. If it is the lack of sugar in water that repels you from drinking it, have you considered making a glass of fresh juice? It is extremely simple to make fresh juice if you have a juicer and fresh fruits and vegetables. You'll get a lot more nutrition from freshly prepared juice than from bottled or frozen juice. If you need another reason to invest in a juicer, the juice will also make your skin healthier.

Harsh Chemicals

Avoid harsh chemicals when cleaning your skin. Harsh chemicals can dry out your skin and are some of the worst offenders when it comes to the causes of acne. Always try to look for natural, gentle cleansers that do not employ harsher chemicals. Have you considered tea tree oil?

Garlic, despite its smell, is a good acne solution. Garlic has natural antibiotic properties. Just crush a couple cloves of fresh garlic, and apply the minced garlic to affected areas. Do not get any of the garlic in or around your eyes. Although your skin may smart slightly when you apply it, the antibiotic properties of garlic will quickly attack the infection. Apply an application of garlic, and let your face steep in the oils; then, rinse it thoroughly and pat dry.

Poor Quality Products

In most cases, you get what you pay for. A couple extra bucks for a quality product - can save you from having to dish out cash to fix damage caused by a substandard product. A mask made from all natural ingredients like clay is an excellent way to firm up your skin. It also gets rid of your skin's extra oils. Be sure to rinse the mask off once it has dried, and then rinse your face well. Use a soft, absorbent towel to gently dry your face. If any residue from the mask remains on your skin, remove it with some witch hazel on a cotton ball.


The overall health of your skin can take a big hit from stress. Stress will weaken your general physical condition. It could make your skin more likely to succumb to an infection. Try to reduce your stress to have a better life and better looking skin.

Finding Solutions

Visit the home article for the causes of acne and discover the solutions that we stand behind as the international leaders and the best of the best!

There are great ways to defeat the causes of acne, however - you can't reach the finish line overnight. Your skin can begin to feel and look better starting today by using these tips but making skin care a daily ritual and a lifestyle, is what will make the real difference.

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Photodynamic Therapy for Acne

Propionibacterium acnes is a Gram-positive organism that resides in the pilosebaceous glands in skin. Together with abnormal keratinization of the follicles causing plugging, sebaceous oil production and hormones, P. acnes is a cause of acne.

P. acnes produces porphyrins, mainly coproporphyrin III, in the pilosebaceous follicles and these porphyrins are potential targets for photodynamic therapy. Visible blue light at a wavelength of 405-420 nm and visible red light at 570-670 nm have been shown to stimulate porphyrins to release singlet oxygen which destroys P. acnes. This treatment can be helpful in mild to moderate acne. There are no side effects, no downtime and bacterial resistance is unlikely. Blue or red light can be used once or twice a week for 20 minutes for about 3 months. Maintenance treatments can be done as needed.

With the addition of a photosensitizing medication such as Levulan or Metvix in moderate to severe acne, more porphyrins are produced for a greater reduction in P. acnes. These medications also shrink the sebaceous glands, decrease sebum production, and increase the turnover of epidermal cells, unplugging the follicles.

The photodynamic procedure is commonly performed in my office by my technicians. I

determine the length of time the medication stays on the skin and the amount of time the patient is exposed to the light source. The skin is scrubbed well with acetone, the photosensitizing medication is applied and left on the skin for 1 to 3 hours. The patient then sits in a dimly lit small room and can read, text or listen to music. If Levulan is used, we use a blue light for activation. The patient wears protective eyewear and sits in front of the blue light for approximately 10 to 14 minutes. The face is then washed and sunscreen is applied. If Metvix is used, the medication is washed off before the treatment and the patient is exposed to the red light for 10 minutes. Sunscreen is then applied.

Regardless of which medication is used, 5 treatments, 3 weeks apart are recommended. The patient must avoid sun exposure for the first 36 hours since the medication can continue to activate with light and give a more intense reaction than desired. The usual side effects are redness, peeling and some crusting for about 3 to 5 days. Patients wash with a mild cleanser and use an oil-free moisturizer and sunscreen.

Many patients will remain clear of acne for many months or indefinitely. Topical medication may be necessary to maintain the effects of treatment in some patients. Repeat treatments can be done as needed.

Martie Gidon MD FRCPC FAAD

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How To Deal With Depression Because Of Acne

Depression is the most common problem associated with acne. People who have acne usually have considerable amount of depression in their life. If you are frustrated with your acne condition, be sure to guard yourself against depression that can only make things worse. Be sure to be free from stress that can lead to depression because it won't cure your problem. Instead, it will make your acne persist. Here are some tips you can use to deal with depression because of acne:

1. Understand that depression will make things worse

First of all, you have to understand that depression will only make things worse. In case of your acne, depression will contribute to more stress and more stress will contribute to more acne. So, when you feel depressed, know that this feeling should be stopped as soon as possible. Understand that it is not necessary to feel depressed. This understanding will enlighten yourself and motivate you to go through your most depressing time.

2. Try to think positively

You might think that you are helpless and you can never cure your acne. But, that is just not true. You can cure your acne provided that you have the will to do it. So, change your thinking from negative to positive. If you think that people don't like you because of your acne, then change your thinking. Think that people will still love you whatever your condition is. Remember that you still have some close friends that love you.

3. Sing a song

Singing a song can often alleviate your stress and minimize your depression. So, find a song that you like most. Listen to it and sing with it. When you sing a song, you are releasing your bad moods into the air. You are emptying your emotion so that you will no longer feel depressed. However, remember to pick a song that will alleviate your spirit, not a song that will make you even more depressed. Find a song that will help to recharge your energy and change your mood for the better.

4. Think of your acne as a challenge to conquer

Most people think of their acne as a curse. "I am cursed because of this acne." This is what most people think. But, you shouldn't think like that. You should change your point of view regarding your acne. Regard your acne as a challenge to conquer, not a curse. When you regard your acne as a challenge to conquer, you will be able to motivate yourself to cure your acne condition. This is a very important mindset that you need to keep in mind.

Those tips will help you to deal with depression because of acne. If you follow the tips above, you'll likely make yourself more upbeat rather than sad. Follow the tips above if you want to eliminate your acne depression quickly.

About the author:

Just like you, Riz J. Natalie has been through the hell of experiencing severe acne during her teens and early adulthood. She has succeeded in getting rid of her acne completely using the little-known secret called Holistic Acne Cure System, which has been applied by thousands of acne sufferers worldwide with extraordinary result. Now you can discover the real cure for acne that she uses to get rid of her severe acne, bring back her clear skin, and restore her damaged self-confidence at

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Acne Scar Treatment - 3 Secrets To Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast

Getting rid of acne scar is not an easy and short process at all. It requires time and consistency if you are going to remove them using home remedies instead of surgery. I will be showing you some of the most popular and effective home remedies you can use today to fade away your acne scar in less than a month.

First of all, there are different kinds of acne scar but all of these remedies can treat them all. Below are 3 home remedies you can begin using today. Please use them every day for faster result.

1. Using Ice Cubes.

This is by far the easiest and fastest way to fade away your scar. When you rub ice on your scar, the coldness makes it less noticeable and even removes the damaged tissue little by little. Just rub an ice cube on your scar for 5 minutes each day. You can even use this remedy to make your acne look less noticeable.

2. Using Honey

Honey is a great remedy for treating sore throat, sleeping problem, and even headache. Simply rub a little honey onto your scar at night when you're off to bed. When you wake up in the morning to wash it off, you will be amazed. Do this every day for maximum effect. This remedy also works in treating and preventing acne as well.

3. Using Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice helps in lightening the scars and blemishes of the skin. Lemon also has Vitamin C and other nutrients to help make your skin look healthier too. All you need to do is rub a little lemon juice onto your scar each day and then wash it off 10-30 minutes later.
So there you have it, 3 of the best home remedies you can use to remove your acne scar. Apply it consistently and you will see result in 2-3 weeks. If you're looking to never get acne scar again, then the best thing to do is to never get acne. You can learn all about getting rid of acne and being acne free for life below.

Visit to download a copy of "Acne Free in 3 Days" if you need to get rid of your acne fast and naturally.

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Foods That Cause Acne Breakouts

What are the foods which when consumed can trigger the onset of acne? There is no direct link between diet and acne, but what you should consider is that a healthy diet will makes you look good. When the body gets the essential nutrient, it is clearly shown on the individual's health. But there are some foods that enhance acne breakout. However, these foods may not be the same for everyone. Therefore, it is appropriate to identify these foods that cause acne and then try to avoid them.

Foods That Cause Acne Breakouts
Food allergies are the common cause of acne breakouts. Continuous toxic reactions take place in the body releasing lots of toxins. This leads to inflammation in the skin resulting in blocked pores, thus causing acne.

Let's take a look at some common food that causes acne.
Dairy foods

Researchers argue that dairy products may have a negative effect on the skin; milk being an example of a diary food that cause acne breakout. This is as a result of that the fat content and the hormones present in the milk. Note that not everyone that consumes milk has this problem. It is appropriate to the excessive consumption of this diary product.
Red Meat

There has been many cases where red meat is known to be the basis of their acne outbreak. Animal proteins are not easily digested as compared to the vegetable ones. The waste products left in the area may eventually be released through the film which consequences in acne.


Egg is one of the most popular food allergen that can cause acne. Egg yolk are considered to be most problematic, so egg lovers can still feel the thrill of egg whites.
Processed Foods

These foods contain a lot of preservatives and additives which are not suitable for your skin. They contain toxins which may operate acne breakouts. Artificial sweeteners can also be dangerous for an acne prone skin.
These foods are easily converted into sugar once consumed thus making them not suitable for acne prone skin. Several bacteria and parasites which cause acne and skin rashes feed on them. So try avoiding products made out of grains like bread, pasta, biscuits etc.


Caffeine is contained in foods like chocolates, coffee, tea and other cola drinks these foods are known to cause acne. Caffeine increases hormone production and can lead to serious acne breakouts.

Above were some foods that cause acne breakouts. This will go a long way to help you in identifying the foods (if any) that trigger acne in your case. Staying away from those foods can help generate a healthy and glowing skin. Also, eat plenty of fresh fruits and drink sufficient water to help flush out the toxins from your body. Regular exercises and a well-balanced diet are the key to a bright and beautiful skin. Hope this article on foods that cause acne is of significant help to you!

Get information's on best acne treatment ever to be revealed by visiting where you will be expose to the causes and cures of all forms of acne and how to get rid of them within days

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The Best Acne Treatment for Your Skin Type

Whether you like it or not, acne does come with some embarrassment and is often in need of the best acne treatment. There are many different ways to treat this problem and this include the use of products on the market.

To contrast the best acne treatment, the first thing you need to do is to look at what not to do. The wrong treatment can make things worse and even lead to infections. This is a matter that should be addressed with the best acne treatment no matter what your age.
Some mistakes that people do make are the following with a solution:
  • People expect miracles and expect the product to work immediately. The result is that they do not use the best treatment long enough for it to be effective or for them to see the effect.
Solution: Everyone does not have the same skin type and even the best acne treatment will not work the same on all skin types. It is a matter of waiting to see whether the product works for you and then decide whether to change.
  • It does not help if you try and find the treatment by using more than one product at the same time. You will not know which one of the best acne treatment is actually doing the work. The products may also work against each other, as the ingredients are not the same.
Solution: It is simply a matter of using one product at a time until you see results. This would therefore be the treatment for your skin type.
  • It has been proven that acne has nothing to do with cleanliness. This, scrubbing and overdoing cleansing will result in removing too much of the protective layer of the skin.
Solution: The best acne treatment will include a cleansing regime and this is normally a very gentle cleanser. It is then used in conjunction with the other parts that would assist in clearing the skin.
  • You have to make sure that you do know your skin type. This will ensure the fact that you do not use the wrong products on your face.
  • Solution: You would need to choose the treatment for your particular skin. You can get the information by reading through the reviews.
There are many products available on the market. It is a matter of knowing your skin in order to find the best acne treatment for it.

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3 Foods That Can Make Your Acne More Severe

I know how it feels to have severe acne on your face. But, it is not the point to feel what it's like to have acne. What you need to know is about why your acne can become more severe in one time and why it can be less severe at another time. The answer is the foods that you eat. There are 3 types of foods that you definitely shouldn't eat all the time. If you still care about your face and how to clear your acne, this is the best information that you need to know. However, some people might not believe this. Fine! I don't want to deal with scientific mumbo-jumbo. Do your own research. But, for those who believe, let me tell you the 3 foods that you definitely cannot eat when you have severe acne:

1. Nuts

Nuts contain Omega 6, which can cause inflammation in your skin. You can test it for yourself. Eat some nuts and observe what will happen to your skin. It will get inflamed. It will become reddish and you can even feel the itchy sensation all over your face. And it doesn't only apply to nuts. All foods that contain Omega 6 should be avoided at all costs because they can cause more inflammation in your skin.

2. Dairy Products

Dairy products are very familiar in our everyday life. Since childhood, your mom had given you dairy products as "the morning fuel". But, guess what? Those foods might be good for you when you were 5-10 years old, but when you got acne on your face, those foods are no longer friendly for you. So, beware of daily products such as milk, cheese, butter, meat, et cetera because they can cause cystic acne on your face. Remember, they can cause cystic acne (those big red bumps on your face you don't want to experience). So, avoid them at all costs.

3. Sugar

You can't eat sweet foods when you have acne. Why? It's simple. Those whiteheads that you have are caused by sugar. That's because your liver is unable to process the sugar that you give to your body. So, be aware of it. Sugar can potentially cause whiteheads and those painful sensations on your face. You want something sweet? Eat fruits! It's healthier for you than adding sugar to your tea or coffee.

Now, you can either follow my advice or abandon it altogether. But, I guarantee you a result when you follow my advice to avoid those foods. If you have painful severe acne now, you'll slowly get rid of it if you really make some efforts to avoid the causes of it. Keep remembering those 3 foods to avoid, and you'll be able to heal your skin back.

Blast Severe Acne in 60 Days

Not all acne treatment plans will work for everyone. Some of them will work, some of them will not. Do you know what works 100% of the time when you apply it? It's when you apply the whole acne treatment system to your body, instead of only to your skin. Find out more here.

This system will help you to understand how you can strategically eliminate your acne within 60 days-down to the roots of it. Thus, it will guarantee permanent result. Check this out

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4 Most Important Acne-Fighting Ingredients

Persistent acne outbreaks are both annoying and embarrassing skin conditions that sap confidence quickly. With the abundance of confusing treatments and active ingredients that line skin care aisle shelves, it is easy to give up in exasperation. To help ease your confusion, here are four most important acne-fighting ingredients that help prevent pimples and make skin clearer.

Salicylic Acid

When shopping for an acne medication the major blemish fighter is listed on the package. Salicylic acid is quite common in over-the-counter acne skin treatments. This exfoliant related to aspirin gently counters acne by keeping the inside of hair follicles clean Salicylic acid is best used in quantities of two percent (as marked on packaging). This beta hydroxy acid and anti-inflammatory is also quite effective at preventing pimple scars by working within the skin to fight bacteria and other dirt that cause infection. Although salicylic acid is harmless, skin irritations such as stinging, burning, redness and dryness can occur.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Sometimes preventing an acne flair-up is impossible, which can lead to picking at pimples. Benzoyl peroxide works on pimples by exposing acne bacteria to oxygen, which kills them, thereby reducing the number of pimples that are produced. Just as common as salicylic acid in skincare products, benzoyl peroxide performs a number of tasks, such as bacteria killing, skin exfoliation and subduing excess oils. It can be found in many acne medications and washes, and is available in strengths from two to ten percent. However, its strength can upset sensitive skin. Burning, redness, dryness and flaking are some common side effects.

Tea-Tree Oil

Fighting acne with an oil may seem counterproductive, but not so with tea-tree oil. This natural oil has been show to reduce acne outbreaks by drying out pimples. Tea-tree oil is found in many natural skincare products on the market, or can be purchased and used on its own. However, it is not as effective on larger breakouts and cystic acne blisters, and works well in conjunction with a skincare routine that includes salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Although tea-tree oil is natural, it can still have some negative side effects, such as dryness, redness, burning and itchiness.


Sulfur's acne-fighting properties have been known for a long time, all the way back to ancient Greece. While this substance may smell of rotten eggs, it packs quite a punch in the fight against pimples. Usually applied as a mask or spot treatment, sulfur fights acne by drying out blisters and the skin, which sucks acne-causing bacteria out of the skin. Although most skin-drying products are discouraged, sulfur dries out skin in a good way. Oil is reduced and pores won't be clogged. Sulfur side effects are minimal, and many sulfur products on the market contain items to cover the smell.

All skin care routines with these products will be enhanced with the use of a good, oil-free moisturizer. If no improvement is made against acne, or if it gets worse, a specialist skin clinic is recommended. Use discretion when choosing a new skin care product that contains these active ingredients.

Diana Chin writes for Dermatology Singapore, your center for acne treatments and skin problem solutions.

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A Million Inexpensive Ways of Preventing Acne

Even if Mother Nature is always beautiful, we cannot say that she is always fair. Some of us have the luck of being endowed with the right set of genes and do not suffer from acne at all, while for others it sometimes seems to be an eternal battle. Still, there are some things that you could keep in mind to prevent acne as much as possible. These are little changes to your everyday routine, but they will matter a whole lot in the end.

Every night could count a bit as a beauty sleep if you change the pillowcase regularly, as this will avoid facial oils from building up on the pillowcase. You also may want to try and sleep on your back, as this will avoid unnecessary contact of your face with the pillowcase.

Also, wash your face two or three times a day, but don't use a towel to dry it. A towel always contains bacteria and it can also transport facial oils, thereby aggravating the acne.

Furthermore, it is important to be prudent with hair products: they may cause irritation. On the other hand, as dandruff is generally associated with acne, the use of dandruff shampoos might actually help to get rid of the acne.

Women may also be advised to go easy on make up: some types and brands can actually cause acne or other dermatological problems. The same goes for sun block, which is in fact anything but harmless to the skin, and it should only be used when strictly necessary.

Hydration of the skin is also imperative in preventing acne, so it is important to drink enough water (7 to 12 glasses a day). Recent research has shown that smoking, beside the disastrous effects on several organs, also has great impact on the skin. This is certainly the case for a skin problem such as acne. In order to destroy the malignant bacteria that cause acne, you could also resort to pre-biotics and pro-biotics. This will help you to build benign bacteria, which will then turn against the acne bacteria.

On the other hand, acne is also related to mental health and in this context, stress is a main factor. It is best to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Furthermore, a good night sleep can provide a long-term remedy against these troublesome skin problems. Even exercise, especially out in the open, is said to have a tremendously positive effect on acne. Do try and avoid too humid conditions, because these are always detrimental to skin health in the long run.

As it turns out, there is a whole lot that one can do to prevent acne as much as possible. The final advice can only be that each person should try and discover what works best for them. Everyone really is different, also where acne is concerned.

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Home Remedy for Adult Acne - 4 Natural Remedies That You Can Try

A home remedy for adult acne can treat mild to severe cases. This skin condition is common among teens and adults. The lesions appear as blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps and pus. Severe forms that contain cysts are very painful and can lead to scarring, if they are not treated properly. To treat this skin condition, you may try one or some of these home remedies.

1. Tea tree oil

This is a common natural remedy for this condition. It is an essential oil that has been diluted and applied to the lesions. What makes it an effective remedy is its anti-bacterial agent called terpinen-4-ol that can eradicate the presence of Propionibacterium acnes.

To use it as a remedy, you need to apply it topically to the affected area.

2. Aloe vera

In addition to tea tree oil, another effective natural treatment for this skin condition is aloe vera. The watery part of the plant is rich in enzyme and filled with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The enzyme can help in soothing and softening your skin while it eliminates bacteria-causing acne.

You may apply it topically to the affected area or you may take it orally. This natural remedy is not only beneficial for your skin but it is also good for your digestive tract as it cleans and detoxifies your digestive system allowing you to have regular bowel movements.

3. Tomato pulp

This is another effective natural remedy for this skin condition. To use it, you must combine tomato pulp with water, honey and rose. The mixture must be applied immediately to your face to form a mask. Leave it there for about 20 minutes. Then, you must rinse it.

4. Lemon juice

Do not apply concentrated lemon juice on your face as it can irritate your skin. Instead, you must mix this juice with a cream and glycerine. The mixture must be applied on your skin and leave it there for half an hour before rinsing it.

How to wash your face? 

Skin experts do recommend washing your face with clean, warm water to open the pores. By opening your pores, you can effectively loosen up the dirt and oil in your face and eliminate them. You may also use facial steam to open your skin pores.

After cleaning it with warm water, you must close the skin pores by rinsing your face with cool water. It does not only close the pores but it also reduces swelling and redness caused by this skin condition. This is a home remedy for adult acne that you can easily try at the comfort of your home.

Want to know more about home remedy for adult acne? Visit:

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Healing Acne With The Power Of Your Mind

Our mind has been very powerful from the start. Do you know that you can cure your acne with the power of your mind? Some people might be inclined to say that mind power is non-existent. But, if you really apply the secret method I reveal here and if it can help you to achieve clear skin, you will no longer neglect the existence of this power. Here are 3 simple yet effective steps to start healing your acne with the power of your mind:

1. Assume Clear And Healthy Skin

All the healing process of your mind starts with a clear assumption of your desired result. In this case, you will need to assume a clear and healthy skin condition. Now, imagine that you have this radiant skin in your face, without acne, without any blemish. Look at your face in the mirror, and start assuming that you have clear and healthy skin, despite the appearance that you see in the mirror. Sink yourself deeper into the assumption that what you imagine is a reality. Assume that now you have healthy and clear skin. You should start to feel the shift immediately.

2. Keep Your Assumption No Matter How Impossible It May Seem

Once you assume the desired result in your mind, be sure to keep this assumption until it becomes a reality in your body. It will take time, sure. But, you have to keep this assumption no matter how impossible it may seem. If you see people looking at you with a disgusted look, then strengthen your assumption within your mind. Ignore their negative attitude toward you. Keep yourself in the positive thinking mindset. Insist that what you assume is true and it is becoming a reality here and now.

3. Think And Talk In The Spirit Of Healing

Once you have a strengthened assumption about your skin, then the next thing you need to do is to think and talk in the spirit of healing. Be certain that healing is taking place right now. You don't need to look for the evidence that your body is now healing itself naturally. It is so because you believe it is. When you eat your foods, acknowledge that those foods will support this healing process. Think and talk only in the spirit of healing. Never think that you will not be able to cure your acne. Never talk to others that you feel dejected and rejected with your acne condition. Think and talk only to support your healing process.

Follow these steps and you'll be able to utilize the power of your mind to heal your acne condition. No matter how severe it is, you can heal your acne without fail if you believe in what you're doing.
About the author:

Just like you, Riz J. Natalie has been through the hell of experiencing severe acne during her teens and early adulthood. She has succeeded in getting rid of her acne completely using the little-known secret called Holistic Acne Cure System, which has been applied by thousands of acne sufferers worldwide with extraordinary result. Now you can discover the real cure for acne that she uses to get rid of her severe acne, bring back her clear skin, and restore her damaged self-confidence at

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Quick Acne Treatment - Is There Such a Thing?

People all over the world are looking for the best possible quick acne treatment. People who suffer with acne want to get rid of it as soon as possible. This could be because of a number of things.

The acne may be painful, may cause irritation, may cause the sufferer embarrassment or they simply feel ashamed now of the way they look as a result of their acne.

Whatever the reasons are people who have acne want to get rid of it as quickly as possible and this in turn gets them online and frantically crashing away on their keyboards trawling the search engines, forums and blogs looking for a quick acne treatment.

The issue with this is whether one actually exists or not. If you are an acne sufferer there are literally hundreds if not thousands of products around which you can purchase in order to treat your acne.

The thing to remember with acne treatments though is that remedies are linked with the individual's immune system. You will find that a home remedy for acne may work for someone else but not for you. You will be expected to have to try a few first before finding the one which seems to sure your acne.

When you have found the right one for you what you will have to do is keep using it. You will find that when you stop treating your skin with this remedy your acne will start to appear and once again you will feel down, depressed and embarrassed.
Ways in which you can get rid of acne

There are a number of ways to treat your acne. The majority of people start of their acne treatment at home by applying either creams or scrubs. In mild causes of acne you may find that this actually works and you may never have to look at another treatment again.

In severe cases of acne people may look to more drastic treatments such as laser treatment for acne. This can become quite expensive and intrusive.

Other remedies and home treatments include holistic methods and those which use natural, readily available products.

Before you look into any treatment for acne be sure to visit your dermatologist or doctor as they will be able to provide you with the right advice and diagnosis for your medical condition. Keep this in the forefront of your mind whilst searching for a quick acne treatment.
Find out more about the best quick acne treatment here.

Visit How To Treat My Acne now for more information and advice.

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3 Best Ways to Cure Acne - Protect Your Skin From Acne

If you're thinking too hard to find the best way to cure acne, then you've come to the right place. Ease your mind now and read this article for a few minutes, because this article will give you the most valuable tips to cure your acne in the best way possible.

In this article, you will learn about very valuable tips to cure your acne. No matter what types of acne you have, no matter how severe it is, you can still change your condition if you really apply these valuable tips. First, you have to clean toxins from your body. Toxic buildup is the biggest reason why you keep getting acne in your skin. Second, you have to recharge your body with positive energy. Positive energy is required to keep your body at maximum performance. Third, you have to learn to avoid stress. Stress accumulation within your mind can cause acne persistence. Once you've done reading this article, you'll know the best way to do to cure your acne. You'll then enjoy a clear skin that you've always wanted to have.

First, let us talk about toxic accumulation within your body. When there is a significant amount of toxic accumulation within your body, your body will distribute toxins to your skin. These toxins will manifest as acne. That's why it is important to clean these toxins from your body.
There are two ways you can do to clean these toxins from your body. One way is to apply healthy diet, and another way is to do regular exercise.

Healthy diet is important because what you eat is what you become. The substance that you eat (your foods) will become the building block of your body parts, including your skin. Thus, if you eat unhealthy diet (such as junk foods), you'll build up unhealthy body parts, as well as unhealthy skin. Healthy diet should consist of eating healthy foods regularly, such as vegetables, fruits, fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, yoghurt, and so on.

Regular exercise is important to keep your body fit and healthy. Regular exercise will also help your body to eliminate the toxins inside. When you do regular exercise, you'll be able to eliminate a significant amount of toxins from your body through sweat. So, set aside at least 30 minutes per day to do regular exercise.

Next, you need to recharge your body with positive energy. Why? Positive energy is required for your positive growth. Any negative energy accumulation within your body will result in diseases and unhealthy body condition.

There are two ways you can do to recharge your body with positive energy. First, you should learn to have a positive thinking habit. Second, you should have a healthy sleep pattern.

Positive thinking habit can have tremendous impact toward your life in general. But, you'll see the apparent impact in your body. When you have a positive mindset, you will have a bright face because there is a free flow of blood coming into your face. You don't have any disturbance at all. It will be apparent in your attitude. When you have a positive mindset, you will keep giving freshness and youth into your skin.

Healthy sleep pattern will help your body to rejuvenate your skin. Your skin is continually in state of reparation in order to keep its perfect condition. When you have lack of sleep, you are depriving your body from rejuvenating the skin. In this way, you will block the healing process of your acne. Therefore, when you have healthy sleep pattern, you will help your body to speed up the healing process of your acne.

Finally, you should learn to avoid stress at all times. Why? That's because stress is the reason why your acne persists in your skin. No matter where it is, if you keep seeing your acne there, then it means that you have certain degree of stress that makes your acne persists. You should learn to avoid stress if you want to be free from your acne. You can do it by learning to smile and laugh a lot. Think of many good things instead of bad things. Also, practice yoga to keep your mind at peace. These things will help you to avoid stress.

So, there you have it. These are the best ways to cure your acne. Let me remind you again. First, you need to clean toxins from your body. Second, you need to recharge your body with positive energy. And third, you need to avoid stress. Ignore these valuable tips and no matter what you do, you'll never be able to cure your acne. These tips are very important.

Ok, so that's the best way to cure your acne.

Now, unfortunately, applying these tips can take some time, but I have a very good way to speed up the process. I don't have more space here to cover all the details, but I do explain the whole method in my website.

I understand that you're a busy person, but if you have a few more minutes, I would like to invite you to visit my website: Share Acne Thoughts and discover how you can apply the complete system based on these tips.

And if you're too busy, then that's fine! I'll still be here with you. Just use the information here as best as you can.

Again, here is my website: Share Acne Thoughts.
Thanks for reading and I hope the best of luck for you.

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Natural Acne Remedies That Work Like Magic

Acne vulgaris is a condition that affects millions right around the world. As a result, these people in turn adopt a variety of methods to deal with acne; while some may resort to natural ways, the majority takes up shortcuts in the form of topical creams, over the counter medications, and so on.

In our opinion, this is not a very effective approach to follow, especially when there are so many natural acne remedies. These methods do not have any side effects at all. They also cost much less than artificial means for dealing with acne, which invariably end up costing a lot of money.
Against that backdrop, let us look at some completely natural acne remedies which work like magic, without burning a hole in your pocket.

Increasing Water Intake

This is a simple, zero cost method by which you can easily deal with acne in a natural way. After all, the trigger for acne in many cases is the simple fact that a lot of people out there do not consume adequate water. Therefore, try to increase your water intake substantially and within no time, you should see a reasonable reduction in acne.


Cleansing is another natural way in which acne can be dealt with easily. The reason a lot of people out there suffer from acne is because they do not follow regular cleansing regimens.
And remember that regular cleansing does not cost a lot of money or take up a lot of time and effort. In fact, you can easily do it on your own, without taking any help from others. The main aim has to be to make sure that you do not allow dust and other debris to accumulate on areas which are acne prone; if you can do that, you will see a solid reduction in acne within very little time.

As a natural cleansing agent, we suggest you try out tea tree oil due to its antibacterial properties. At the same time, it is really inexpensive as well as easily available so you will be able to use it without any concerns at all.


Thyme is yet another powerful and very effective natural acne remedy. One of the most effective ways in which it works towards fighting acne is by preventing the occurrence of excess oil from within; with this aspect duly taken care of, chances of acne occurring are in turn very less.


There are ample natural acne remedies out there as long as we are open to adopting them.
There are ample natural acne remedies that can be deployed to deal with acne effectively.

 Follow these natural acne remedies and acne will soon be history in your life.

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Facts About What Causes Acne

We all know that acne could be very disturbing and annoying, especially when pimples keep coming back on our faces. It is very important to know how to deal with the pimples coming out on your face, so that you don't get scars and worsen your face's condition. If you are among those wondering what causes acne, then stick close, as we are going to tell you a few important things about acne that might even give you a hint on what to do in order to get rid of the pimples on your face.

The first thing you need to know regarding acne is that this condition is related to the skin oils and follicular spaces which are the skin pores. This face problem is not something that should worry you too much, unless it leads to a severe condition which involves leaving scars on your face. Basically, the skin pores are connected to the oil glands, which produce the skin sebum. Sebum is responsible with carrying dead skin cells out the skin's surface. When the skin pores or follicular spaces get blocked, the pimples appear on the surface of your skin. This blockage in skin pores is tied to an increased oil production of the oil glands.

You should know that there are various other causes that can be associated with the pimples coming out on your face. So if you still wonder what causes acne, you should find out that certain factors like dirt, heredity, androgen levels, medication, greasy face creams, wrong diets and other related things can be the cause of your face condition.

Mostly, teenagers seem to experience this problem due to raised levels of hormones in their bodies. In their case, acne is a skin problem that appears with puberty and disappears once they grow older. Luckily, the market comes with various remedies which comprise certain miraculous potions, face creams and pimple removal treatments. Certain specialists state that acne is related to wrong diets, which is why they advise teens and other people with acne to eat more natural meals rather than other foods like fast foods and other aliments high in fats. The dust and dirt can also cause acne, in which case people are recommended to wash their faces at least twice a day.

Various face creams also lead to pimples, so if you have this problem and you wonder what causes acne, then maybe you should consider having your greasy face cream thrown in the trash. In most cases of acne, the causes can be found in the products people use, in the unhealthy diets they lead, as well as in the medical prescriptions they follow. But the causes and remedies for severe face conditions involving pimples must be sought in medical institutions or private clinics.

If you are among those wondering what causes acne, then you should find out that there are various causes which can be associated with the pimples coming out on your face from the skin pores getting blocked by excessive sebum to certain factors like dirt, heredity, androgen levels, medication, greasy face creams and wrong diets.

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Acne Treatment - Are Oral Contraceptives Effective?

We all know that hormones are responsible for the appearance of pimples in adolescence and sometimes in adulthood. One way to control hormones is to use oral contraceptives, which are popularly known as birth control pills. They have become a popular acne treatment option for women. The big question is whether they work.
How Oral Contraceptives Work

There is a group of hormones called androgens, which cause an increased production of sebum (skin oil). The extra sebum cannot get fully released through the skin pores and it clogs them. The clogged pores contain a mixture of sebum and dead skin cells so they are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. This results in zits and the need for acne treatment.
The ovaries and the adrenal gland of women produce a fairly small amount of androgens. However, this amount can increase during adolescence, before menstrual periods and during pregnancy. This can lead to the appearance of pimples.

The oral contraceptives contain the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. They work to reduce the amount of androgens produced in the body. As a result, the production of sebum is also reduced and so is acne.

It is worth pointing out that oral contraceptives can be used for acne treatment only by women, who require them for contraception. Basically, the skin treatment is just a side effect. Furthermore, only three types of birth pills have been approved for this type of side treatment by the US FDA. They are typically used for treating moderate to severe cases of acne.
Possible Side Effects

Just like all pills, the oral contraceptives have side effects. The main immediate ones include breast tenderness, spotting, nausea, dizziness and mood swings. In the long term, there is a higher risk of hypertension, migraine, liver disease, gallbladder disease and depression.
It should be noted that the modern birth control pills are designed to cause minimal side effects. When they are taken as required under the supervision of a doctor, the risks associated with them are reduced to the possible minimum.


According to doctors, patients and researchers, oral contraceptives are a good acne treatment. They help to reduce the frequency and the degree of severity of flare-ups. Even when pimples appear, they are fewer in number.

A recent study has revealed that the number of pimples is reduced by 30% to 60%. The inflammation is considerably reduced. As a result, the healing process is quicker and the risk of scars is lower.

Oral contraceptives will reduce the severity of the condition, but it takes time for the hormonal changes which they induce to take place. Hence, you will have to wait for some time to see the desired results. Furthermore, while this acne treatment targets one of the causes of the condition, it does not affect the pimples directly. This means that you will still have to use topical remedies to get rid of any pimples that appear.

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How To Cure Acne Naturally And Restore Your Clear Skin Back

Most people who have problem with acne become frustrated and depressed. They develop erroneous thinking that their acne can only be cured by using a certain kind miracle drug available somewhere. But the truth is that such drug doesn't exist anywhere. Whenever they look, they won't find it because it is non-existent. Then, what is the best way to cure acne? The best way to cure acne and restore your clear skin back is to use natural method that will help you to tackle the problem from inside. This is the only best way because unless you eliminate the root cause of your acne, you won't be able to retain your clear skin for long.

Acne is not a cosmetic problem. Therefore, curing acne needs to be done thoroughly. Here's how you can utilize the power of nature to cure your acne and restore your clear skin back:

1. Adjust Your Mind

Your mind is the catalyst that has the power to affect the condition in your physical body. Thus, curing acne can't be done without adjusting your mind so that it will be more harmonious with your body. Adjusting your mind is an important first step to cure your acne because this is the foundation of good health. Eliminate any negative thinking inside your mind if you don't want to create more acne inside your body. Anger, depression, frustration, worry, and fear need to be eliminated completely from your mind if you want to restore your clear skin back.
2. Adjust Your Body

Your body is where your acne appears. Your body is the most important vehicle that you have in order to live your life on this planet comfortably. Therefore, a healthy body is essential for happy living. Your body can be equated with your car. In order for your car to perform well, you have to make sure to give it the best fuel. If you have an expensive car, would you give it the lowest grade gasoline? Your body also needs high quality fuel in order for it to perform well, and the fuel of your body is your foods. Therefore, if you give your body high quality foods, you'll be sure to make it perform well. Low quality foods (junk foods) can only create bad effects for your body's system. For many people, this bad effect is manifested as acne.

3. Adjust Your Spirit

Your soul is your life force. You can't live without a soul. When there is a problem within your soul, you will also develop a problem within your body. Why is it so? That's because your soul, mind, and body are connected with each other. They are affecting each other. And the food of your soul is love. If you can love yourself, if you can love the things around you, then you're developing a healthy soul that will contribute to healthy body. Finally, it will contribute to clear skin.

If you can take the three steps above, you'll be able to cure your acne naturally and restore your clear skin back to you. Remember that your acne is not carved in stone, but unless you do something to cure it, it will be there always. So, make up your mind and start doing something that will change your life for the better by following the steps above.

About the author:

Just like you, Riz J. Natalie has been through the hell of experiencing severe acne during her teens and early adulthood. She has succeeded in getting rid of her acne completely using the little-known secret called Holistic Acne Cure System, which has been applied by thousands of acne sufferers worldwide with extraordinary result. Now you can discover the real cure for acne that she uses to get rid of her severe acne, bring back her clear skin, and restore her damaged self-confidence at
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Natural Acne Elimination Without A Fuss

When it comes to acne, a key aspect that you need to keep in mind is that you need not suffer from it. Otherwise, many people simply accept acne as their "destiny" without taking any concrete steps to avoid it.

In case you are suffering from acne yourself, remember that prompt steps taken in a suitable way, can go a long way in helping you prevent acne from occurring. Mind you, these would be completely natural ways, so there is no complexity with regard to say long-drawn doctor consultations or expensive medications involved.

Instead you will be working on the cause of acne first and then eliminating it from occurring altogether.

Skin Cleanliness

Skin cleanliness is a major factor as far as acne elimination is concerned. Unfortunately a lot of us simply fail to keep our skin clean whereby acne invariably breaks out. Remember that if you are acne prone, then you especially have to take additional measures to keep your skin clean.
This would typically involve using a mild cleanser to wash your face - or any other parts of your body that are acne prone, often, throughout the day.

Moreover, if you say happen to live or work in a dust prone environment, then it becomes all the more important that you give priority to skin cleanliness.
Natural masks such as cucumbers, oatmeal, grapes, etc. can also prove to be excellent skin cleanliness mechanisms.

Diet Control

Diet control is one of the primary means of acne elimination. This particularly involves avoiding oily foods and maximizing your intake of natural, fiber-rich food.
Foods that we especially recommend would include fresh vegetables and fruits, milk, fish and all protein rich foods. Remember that these foods prove beneficial since they contain nutrients that fight free radicals and also ensure skin rejuvenation while at the same time protecting skin from UV radiation and bacterial infection.

Foods rich in sugar are also a no-no as far as acne is concerned since they are directly responsible for triggering oil production and bacteria proliferation - the primary factors behind acne emergence.

Regular Exercise

As far as acne elimination is concerned, regular exercise is an absolute must. After all, regular exercise ensures proper blood circulation and also optimizes hormonal balance. It is disharmony along these lines which invariably causes an outbreak of acne so make sure you exercise regularly to eliminate acne.

Rest and Relaxation

Just as regular exercise is critical to avoiding acne, so is adequate rest and relaxation. Remember that a lot of stress coupled with inadequate sleep, plays a major part in causing acne. So if you ensure adequate sleep and also relax your body as well as your mind, you can certainly go a long way in preventing acne in the first place.


Together, the initiatives listed above can easily go a long way in natural acne elimination. So make sure that you follow these initiatives listed above, for maximum impact, towards your ultimate quest of preventing and eliminating acne altogether from your life.

There are numerous natural acne elimination techniques which we can all follow rigorously to easily prevent acne. Following these techniques can also help us avoid expensive and complex artificial acne elimination procedures.

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5 Acne Myths That Will Prevent You From Curing Your Acne

As I browse through the internet looking for information about how to cure acne, I found that there are many myths circulating around the net, which if followed, will prevent me from curing my acne completely. I've had my acne since my teenage years, but now it is gone because I follow certain formula. If you can shatter the myths about acne and start living your life with new understanding about it, you will be able to cure your acne without problem. Here are 5 acne myths that will prevent you from curing your acne:

1. There is no cure for acne

If you believe this myth, there is nothing you can do to cure your acne. Well, since most physicians will tell you that there is no cure for acne, it means that there is no cure for acne, right? This is a false and misleading myth that will keep you walking in despair. Don't believe this myth. There is always a cure for any disease. Acne is no exception. You just need to take a look inside to find this cure.

2. Acne is caused by bacteria

Not true. If you believe this myth, then you will use many acne medication created to kill your acne bacteria. Those topical over the counter products will only damage your skin layer, so stop using them. Acne is not caused by bacteria. Your acne is caused by a series of internal problem within your body, starting with toxic accumulation.

3. Your diet will not affect your acne condition

Who says that this is true? Of course, those people who are trying to sell you those new acne treatment products that cost hundreds of dollars per package. You should be aware that diet is one biggest factor that causes your acne condition. That's because the foods that you eat will be distributed back to each of your body parts, including your skin. If you eat bad foods, then your skin will be affected negatively as well.

4. Dermatologist can help you cure your acne

Many people that I know, as well as myself, can assure you that this is not true. Many people have spent thousands of dollars on their visit to dermatologist and nothing changes in their skin condition. The prescription drugs prescribed by their dermatologists can't help them cure their acne at all. In fact, they experience worse acne condition after taking the drugs. So, don't believe that dermatologist can help you cure your acne. Use natural method instead.

5. Acne is a cosmetic problem

If you believe this myth, you will tend to believe that acne products you see on TV ads are the best products to cure your acne. Unless you use those products, you'll never be able to get your clear skin back. Stop believing this erroneous myth. In fact, acne is not a cosmetic problem at all. It is just a symptom of a much bigger problem inside your body. Acne is just a message from your body informing you that there is a serious imbalance within your body that needs to be addressed very quickly.

Those myths will clutter your mind and give you misleading information regarding acne. You should shatter those myths and learn the truth about acne in order for you to cure your acne completely.

About the author:

Just like you, Riz J. Natalie has been through the hell of experiencing severe acne during her teens and early adulthood. She has succeeded in getting rid of her acne completely using the little-known secret called Holistic Acne Cure System, which has been applied by thousands of acne sufferers worldwide with extraordinary result. Now you can discover the real cure for acne that she uses to get rid of her severe acne, bring back her clear skin, and restore her damaged self-confidence at
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